Saturday, September 22, 2007

Count Your Blessings

Wow! Yesterday was quite a day. We had planned a dinner for the senior adults for last night so we woke up knowing that the day was going to be busy but little did we know how complicated it was going to get and how lucky we would be.

Darren left the house at about 8:30 to meet his mom at church. Just a few minutes later the phone rang and the caller id showed that it was Darren. Now, this in itself is not unusual. He often calls me from the driveway to tell me something he forgot to tell me before he left so I didn't think anything of it. But when I answered he sounded out of breath and he yelled, "Gina, call 911 there's been a car wreck!" I'm like, "Okay, where?......where? I need to know where so I can tell them." I'm getting no answer and then finally he comes back on the line and tells me that the accident is on our road near Dr. Bacon's house. So we hang up and I call 911 and report the accident. Then I call him back to ask if he was involved in the accident. He was. He assures me that he is okay but that the person in the other vehicle is hurt. In hindsight it's probably a good thing he didn't tell me that he was in an accident the first time he called because I probably would've flipped out and been unable to call 911.

Noah was still sleeping so I jerked him up out of bed and up the road we went. When I got there the ambulance had arrived and they were trying to get the other driver out of her car. She was screaming and crying about how much pain she was in. When I saw the cars I nearly cried. I could hardly believe that he walked away from it unhurt and my first thought was, "Thank you, God, that he was in the car and not on the scooter." He was very lucky. Apparently, the other driver was distracted and was completely on the wrong side of the road. He said he saw her coming but couldn't get away from her and they collided head on.

He has been a little sore from the seatbelt but he is otherwise physically fine. Mentally, he has just been really upset. He feels guilty that he wasn't hurt while she was injured badly and he just keeps replaying the accident over and over in his mind. I reminded him that he should be grateful that he wasn't hurt and that she wasn't hurt worse.

So, we here at the Fizer household are counting our many blessings. We are thanking God for His protection and asking him to watch over the other driver and give her a speedy recovery.


Jen said...

I am so thankful Darren was not on his scooter this day!! The car looks awful. I can't imagine how scared you all were! I'm glad everyone's ok.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear Darren is okay. I too will be praying for you all and the other driver. You just never know! Our time on this earth can be gone in a minute. Thank you Lord for keeping Darren safe! Love you and miss you guys. See ya soon!
Love, Sarah