Wednesday, July 25, 2007

VBS Night 4....

Night 4 of Vacation Bible School is behind us and with it we are over the hump. Tonight was our largest crowd of kids. We had 136 kids and 46 adults. Everything ran smoothly and we all had a lot of fun.

Over the course of the week we have registered 182 different kids and 76 have perfect attendance so far! Wow! We are just completely excited and blown away by what the Lord is doing here!

Our special activity for the evening was a visit from some local heroes. We had two City of Flemingsburg Police cruisers, a City of Flemingsburg fire engine, and an ambulance from the Fleming County Ambulance Service. Thanks, guys! The kids got to check out the vehicles and get stickers and all kinds of goodies. We gave all of them a police badge to take home. Noah especially liked the fire truck. As we were walking back to the church the fireman blew the horn on the fire truck. Noah jumped, looked at me, and said, "That scared my britches, Mom!" I couldn't help but crack up.

Gospel Man and Bible Boy were being beaten senseless by the Girl Thugs at the end of tonight's episode. I wonder if they'll be able to escape? We're waiting breathlessly for tomorrow's episode to find out!

Please continue to pray that the rain is held off for another couple of days!

1 comment:

Jen said...

WOW! Amazing things are happening at New Life VBS! I hope I don't get my britches scared!!