Monday, October 6, 2008

Bible Bowl Opening Day

Yesterday was our first Bible Bowl competition of the 2008-09 year. We have one senior division team and one beginner team this year. Our senior team is made up of Dylan Bjorklund, Jarrod Fizer, Dustin Flora, Hannah Pollitt and Maggie Pollitt and the beginner team is Jacob Fizer and Nate Watkins.

The senior team did well. They finished the day with a 4 - 2 record. And as always we are proud of them. But they've tasted victory before while the poor beginner team has always played with a lot of heart but never known success. Yesterday, our beginner team tied for 2nd based on their 5 - 2 record and finished 3rd based on their point total for the day. It's the first time they've ever placed. Nate and Jacob weren't really paying attention to what was going on, not expecting anything, and when they announced it Nate gasped and grabbed Jacob and yelled, "Jacob that's us! That's you and me!" They were so excited.

Also, prior to each meet every kid takes a written test over the material they've studied for the month. Jacob historically has never done well on the tests. He hates them and never applies himself. He actually usually ends up turning them in mostly blank. I think the highest he has ever scored is like 13. But yesterday he got 56 out of 67 correct! I was so proud I almost cried! It was a real confidence booster for him. Way to go, Jacob!

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