Monday, March 31, 2008

Proud As A Peacock

Yesterday, being a fifth Sunday, was Youth Sunday at New Life. The kids did a really great job. They used a lot of the music and videos we've been using in our new Wednesday night program and it was about the best youth service we've ever had in my opinion. Of course, you have to take into consideration that Jarrod, my firstborn, preached the morning message.

He and his dad had worked on putting his sermon together all week. His text was Acts 16:16-34. Darren showed him how to research the background of the text and put together a sermon outline. Jarrod found a Mythbusters video clip he wanted to use as an illustration and threw in a couple of personal stories. He was so nervous when he first started but then he really loosened up and started stepping away from the pulpit (and his notes) and getting into it. A chip off the old block. He did such a wonderful job and I was so proud of him I almost cried. His sermon lasted 20 minutes which I think is very respectable considering he was a first-timer. Hopefully we'll be able to get his message up on the church website soon.

I know pride is not often talked about in a favorable light but I can't help it. I just feel so blessed to have such a wonderful kid. He just never ceases to amaze me. He is the most unselfish, gracious and helpful young man. He never complains and so far I haven't seen any of that "teen attitude." I am so proud of him and the Christian example he sets for others....even me. Of course, with what I've got to look forward to with Jacob and Noah, I better enjoy it while it lasts!

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