Thursday, September 17, 2009

How DOES he do that?

Sunday while we were getting ready for church Noah asked if he could have some money to put in the offering. This was unusual in itself because Noah usually doesn't like to part with his money, but I gave him a dollar in change. In the car on the way to church he said, "I hope God doesn't get mad." I asked him why God would be mad and he said, "If I put this money in the basket." I told him God would be very happy if he put his money in the basket. Then he said, "Mommy, how does God get that money out of the basket?" Now try explaining that one to a 4 year old!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Growing Up

Yesterday on the way to take Noah to Head Start he said, "Mom, I think I'm big enough to walk in by myself." I said, "I'm sure you are, but the rules say I have to walk you to your class." To which he replied, "Hmmph, well don't hold my hand!"

I almost physically felt the unraveling of the apron string. Where did this independent little boy come from? A few months ago he was attached to me like a leach. Part of me is glad that he is getting over his severe "mommyitis," but another part of me is sad to see my baby grow up.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

More Homework, Please!

Summer has officially come to a close. School is back in session and we are working on establishing a new routine. I can't believe that Jarrod is a sophomore, Jacob a 5th grader and my baby, Noah, started Head Start last Wednesday.

Jarrod said the first day was "alright." Jacob said it was the best first day of school ever, and Noah LOVED Head Start. I wasn't sure what to expect at the beginning of summer when we signed him up, but he has matured so much this summer. In a lot of ways he's a different kid than he was just a few months ago.

Wednesday after his first day, Noah came home and said "Mom, do I have to do my homework now." I said, "Noah, you don't have any homework today." To which he replied, "But Mom, I NEEEED homework." I told his teacher the next day that his only complaint was that he didn't have any homework and she said she could remedy that. Sure enough, Thursday night he had homework (and he was thrilled). Jarrod and Jacob are trying to convince him that homework is bad, but so far he's not buying it. I'm thinking I should have recorded the whole conversation to play back to him in a few years!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Death of a Dream

As some of you will recall from my previous posts from August of 2007, Darren became the proud owner of a scooter nearly two years ago. He had dreamed of the moment for a while and his dreams finally became reality, but alas it was not to be. His visions of that cool windblown look and enormous gas savings did not materialize. And finally, this spring he decided to part with his scooter and give up his dream.

We sold "Scooty" (as Noah named it - all of our vehicles have names) on Ebay and the fellow arrived from Detroit, Michigan this morning to take "Scooty" to his new home.

So....another chapter closes. I wonder what gadget or gizmo Darren will want next. Sigh....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Fast Track

First off, let me say, yes I am still alive. I know it's been a long time since I blogged but I have just not had the time or the energy. Now that tax season is over I'll have more time....yeah, right!

Anyway, today I went and signed my baby up for Headstart. I can't believe he is school age already. He misses being able to start Kindergarten this year by 16 days. I don't have to send him to Headstart but he REALLY needs the structure. He's ready and I believe Kindergarten will be much easier if he gets into a routine now.

Now, I've said that he NEEDS to go to Headstart, but as you might guess, he has a completely different opinion. He doesn't want to go to school and apparently has decided to put himself on the fast track. As we left the Headstart building yesterday he said, "But, Mom. I don't want to go to school. I just want to grow up and mow. That's what Jarrod dooz." (Jarrod has started his own mowing business this year and Noah thinks mowers and mowing is "awesome" [his words]). He's so funny. I can't believe how much he has grown. He's not even gone to school yet and I miss him already.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Frosty Failure

Last Sunday afternoon the snow had melted sufficiently to become perfect for snowman making. We've not had many good snowman snows since Noah was born so I convinced Jarrod to take him out and help him build a snowman. They had been out for a little while when I heard Noah screaming his head off. When I went out he was crying and clearly distraught. When I asked him what was wrong he said, "Mommy, we put the hat on but Frosty won't come to life!" It took forever for Jarrod to convince him that Frosty was make-believe. Later that night Noah told me, "Mommy I know what's wrong with Frosty. He don't gots no legs and that frosty on my square TV gots legs." He went out every morning after that to talk to Frosty and tell him bye before going to the sitter. He would carry on big conversations with him, assuring him that he wouldn't melt and the like. Of course, yesterday was not kind to Frosty and today all that's left of him is barely a snowball's worth of snow. I figured Noah would flip out when he started melting but he seems to have taken it in stride except for the melting play by play (i.e. his eyes fell off, his nose fell off, his head fell off, etc.). Tonight he finally reported that Frosty was "all gone." Farewell Frosty until we meet again.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland

We woke up this morning to about five inches of snow here in Fleming County. Suprisingly, by the time I rolled out of bed at 8:45 a.m. the roads had been scraped and looked to be in decent shape. I still didn't go in to work though. In anticipation of the weather I had brought several tax returns home with me last night so I have been working on those most of the day.

Jacob and Noah have made two ventures out into the snow today already and their clothes are now in the dryer in preparation for the third. It's really nasty outside right now because on top of the snow we are now getting some nice freezing rain. We are getting ready to go to church to help do some clean up from the kitchen/nursery remodel in preparation for Ermil Pettit's visitation and funeral and the boys are going to play outside some more with the Paige crew.

When Noah came in a few minutes ago he said, "Mom, it sure is cold out there." That reminded me of something Jacob said when he was about Noah's age. Whenever we went out in the cold on the way to daycare I would always tell him, "It's colder than a dog's hind leg out here." (Where did that expression come from anyway?) One day, when we went out to get in the car he looked at me and said, "Mom, it's a freezin' dog leg out here." Now, that's cold!

Hope everyone is warm and safe on this "freezin' dog leg" day!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Flying Solo

Every night when I put Noah into bed, I say his bedtime prayers during which time he pays varying degrees of attention. His attentivness ranges anywhere from perfect stillness (rarely) to jumping up and down in the bed (more often than not). In any event, I say his prayers give him a hug and a kiss, say "I love you", he kisses my hand (don't ask me why) and it's off to dreamland. This is the routine we've had for quite sometime. But things changed Tuesday night. He decided out of the blue to fly solo. He was standing in the bed quietly while I said prayers and when I finished he said, "Now it's my turn to say prayers." I replied "Okay" and this was the sweet, simple prayer of my 4 year old son:

Thank you for Jesus

Thank you for Nana

Thank you for Mommy

Thank you for Daddy

I love you, Jesus.


It brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad that he is already realizing the importance of Christ in his young life. It is so encouraging to see the things that are so meaningful to me mirrored in my kids.